Consumer Information for SCP Programme
consumer information and climate change solutions
More sustainable consumption and production is integral to tackle climate change and reduce carbon emissions. The Tourism, Buildings and Food sector together account for more than half of humanity’s contribution to energy-related CO2 emissions. Therefore, consumption patterns in these sectors are critical to reduce global CO2 emissions. If implemented correctly, consumer information tools can influence consumer behaviour and trigger more sustainable consumption choices. In each sector, different approaches should be taken to inform consumers about carbon emissions. Moreover, to increase overall carbon literacy of consumers and facilitate comparison among different certifications, information tools must be harmonised and introduced on a wider basis.
The Report
The report “Consumer Information Tools and Climate Change - Facilitating low-carbon choices in Tourism, Buildings and Food Systems” details how the use of consumer information tools can support greenhouse gas emission reductions in three sectors – Tourism, Buildings and Food. It serves as a guidance for policy makers and business leaders.
The report is an output of the Consumer Information Programme, funded by the International Climate Initiative. It was developed through the collaborative effort of four programmes of the One Planet Network: Consumer Information, Sustainable Buildings & Constructions, Sustainable Food Systems and Sustainable Tourism. The effort was led by the UN Environment Programme.
The report was launched during a global webinar on February 25, 2020, and second webinar in collaboration with the International Resource Panel was held on XXXXX.
Communication tools: Infographics
The Consumer Information programme has prepared five infographics which summarise some of the key findings of the report related to different topics. These serve a communication tool for stakeholders to use with their various audiences.
Knowledge Centre
Knowledge Centre
Knowledge Centre
Knowledge Centre
Knowledge Centre
Global Webinar: Facilitating Low Carbon Choices through Consumer Information Tools
Held on 25 February 2020, this global webinar followed the launch of the new report titled “Consumer Information Tools and Climate Change - Facilitating low-carbon choices in Tourism, Buildings and Food Systems”.
The report details how the use of consumer information tools can support greenhouse gas emission reductions in three sectors – Tourism, Buildings and Food. The webinar provides insights on how consumer information can be used to influence consumer behaviour, how the three sectors affect global CO2 emissions and which kind of consumer information will be most effective in each sector.
Webinar: Sustainable Consumption and Production at the Heart of Fighting Climate Change
This webinar presented the findings of two reports, "Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future" from the International Resource Panel, and "Consumer Information Tools and Climate Change - Facilitating low-carbon choices in Tourism, Buildings and Food Systems", a joint product of the One Planet Consumer Information programme. It was held on 31 March 2020. The presentations used the findings of the reports to demonstrate the links between Sustainable Consumption and Production across several sectors with the ongoing efforts to combat climate change.
To learn more about the Consumer Information programme of the One Planet network, click here or contact