Monitoring Progress
Tracking global progress towards sustainable consumption and production
and achieving SDG 12
All members of the One Planet network are working to change the way we produce and consume goods and services to use less resources, create less waste, and to deliver greater social, economic and environmental benefits for people and the planet alike.
Collectively, through the combined efforts of the six programmes, hundreds of organisations and thousands of individual members that make up the One Planet network, we are shifting to patterns of sustainable consumption and production and driving the achievement of SDG 12.
The One Planet network tracks this global progress towards sustainable consumption and production and achieving SDG 12 through its official annual reporting.
SDG 12.1.1: Official member state reporting of national sustainable consumption and production policies
Target 12.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals specifically references the 10YFP and calls for member states to:
"implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries."
The indicator for this SDG 12 target, for which the 10YFP is the official custodian agency, is the:
"number of countries developing, adopting or implementing policy instruments aimed at supporting the shift to sustainable consumption and production."
The facilitates this member state reporting on SDG 12.1.1. National Focal Points can access this reporting through their One Planet network account and report progress on the implementation of policies and expected or achieved impacts.
The data reported by members states on SDG 12.1.1 to-date is available on the SDG 12 Hub.
SDG 12 Hub
The SDG 12 Hub supports Member States in the achievement of SDG 12, and is the central location for accessing official government reporting against SDG 12 indicators.
The Hub consolidates and visualises the results of national reporting on SDG 12 indicators, making these publicly available to browse progress on SDG 12 by country or by individual targets.
Sharing is reporting
When you submit your work to the platform, you are reporting your contribution to sustainable consumption and production and SDG 12.
This includes sharing your projects, resources and policies via the Knowledge Centre, as well as your news, events and webinars via the News & Events section.
This is not only a great way to make your work visible to the more than thirty thousand monthly visitors to the platform, but to ensure that your work is counted in the official annual reporting of the 10YFP to the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.
As of 2021, reporting is open to all members of the One Planet network who have registered a One Planet network account. Read more about the recent changes to reporting in 2021.
The impact of reporting
Build Knowledge
Production and consumption are complex global issues, involving countless actors and taking place a range of scales. To drive the shift to sustainable patterns of consumption and production, and achieve SDG 12, we need knowledge, data and information on what progress is being made, how, where and by whom.
Through reporting your activity, One Planet network partners can contribute to the current state of knowledge on the shift towards sustainable consumption and production and the achievement of SDG 12.
The One Planet network secretariat combines this data to create a global snapshot of what work is being done on moving to sustainable patterns of consumption and production, what progress has been made in recent years, and what challenges remain to be overcome.
Showcase your work
Reporting on the shift to sustainable patterns of consumption and production and on achieving SDG 12 is an opportunity for your work to be shared with a wide audience, and key stakeholders including global decision makers.
This is firstly through publication on the platform, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of sustainable consumption and production stakeholders each year. This provides exposure and recognition of your work and opens opportunities for collaboration and coordination that can increase scale and grow our collective impact.
In addition, each year, the secretariat formally reports on the activity of the One Planet network to the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.
Guide strategy & implementation
All the data collected in the One Planet network reporting is made available online to be used by the six programmes within the One Planet network, the hundreds of partner organisations, thousands of individual members and the global sustainability community, to inform the strategic direction of activities and to identify opportunities for collaboration.
The reporting identifies emerging trends, strategic gaps, and opportunities to scale-up and replicate innovative and impactful practices. The findings can be segmented by sectors, regions, countries, organisations, types of impact, Sustainable Development Goals and more.
The more that partners collectively report, the more value they can get out of the network.
Stakeholders can use
reporting findings to:
Annual Reporting to
the High-Level Political Forum
on Sustainable Development
Each year, the secretariat formally reports on the activities of the One Planet network to United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York, which is responsible for tracking progress on the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This report explores emerging opportunities and requirements to accelerate action and take multilateral and multi-stakeholder cooperation on sustainable consumption and production to the next level, which is essential to the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The data and content featured in this report is drawn for the all activities submitted to the platform.
See below past reports of the 10YFP to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
One Planet network Magazines
The One Planet network secretariat has produced a number of magazines to showcase the work of the One Planet network and communicate the content of the official report to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Check out the One Planet network magazines below.