Webinar - Sustainable ChemTalk: Decoding Green Practices in Product Communication
This webinar will discuss the importance of providing information on chemicals and material ingredients as part of product sustainability information communicated to consumers. Hosted by the Consumer Information Programme of the One Planet Network, it will bring together leading experts in consumer protection, chemical management, and environmental sustainability.
The key objectives of this webinar are to:
- Introduce the importance of providing information on chemicals and material ingredients in product sustainability communication.
- Launch the report "Communicating Chemicals in Products: Global Guidance on Providing Voluntary Chemical-Related Sustainability Information for Products."
- Facilitate discussions among leading experts in consumer protection, chemical management, and environmental sustainability to explore means and considerations for improving chemicals-related sustainability information in products.
Background information:
This webinar will formally launch the report Communicating Chemicals in Products: Global guidance on providing voluntary chemical-related sustainability information for products developed by UNEP, and the Consumer Information Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (One Planet Network), led by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection of Germany (BMUV); UNCTAD; and Consumers International. The development of the supplement was made possible through the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
Providing chemicals-related sustainability information is an important factor contributing to sound chemical management and supporting a shift towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns. The document explores means and considerations for better providing information on chemicals and material ingredients as part of product sustainability information, by addressing key topics related to chemicals in products. It draws upon the UNEP Guidelines for providing sustainability information on products (2017) and discusses their 10 principles in the context of chemicals in products.
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fA3FDLIWSVabkdNQQ3TKgw#/registration