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The implementation of the global framework on sustainable consumption and production is facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme, which acts as Secretariat to the 10YFP.

The role of the Secretariat includes:

  • High-level advocacy and visibility, working closely with Member States, through the 10YFP Board and National Focal Points, and the UN system, ensuring collaboration and synergies with Multilateral Environmental Agreements

  • Strategic insights & science-based innovations, including through the application of the “value-chain approach”, developed in cooperation with the International Resource Panel in response to UNEA resolution UNEA/EA.4/Res.1

  • Coordination of the One Planet network, a global multi-stakeholder network that supports the implementation of the 10YFP, including knowledge management, outreach and advocacy

  • Monitoring and reporting on SDG 12 (policies, initiatives, trends) at all levels, including official reporting of Member States on 10YFP implementation. EU member states are reporting on circular economy under this target

  • Provision of secretariat services to the One Planet Multi-partner Trust Fund (MPTF) on SDG 12, a partnership between FAO, UNDP, UNEO, UN-Habitat, UNOPS and UNWTO, administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office in New York