This project evaluated two full-scale pilots, drumfilter and ultrafiltration, for mitigating microplastics (MP) emissions to...
To reduce the leakage of plastic into nature the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA) has established two...
This literature review concerns microplastics generated by road traffic. Particles are produced as a result of tyre and road...
Microplastics have been found in all environments: soil, water, air, the Polar Regions, and in organisms. Concentrations are...
In this report potential policy instruments and measures against microplastics from tyre and road wear have been mapped...
Swedish Environmental Emissions Data (SMED) is a collaboration between IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, SCB...
Inside, you’ll find a wealth of insights and resources for businesses and governments: Sustainable Procurement Solutions What...
Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga is at the School of Property and Construction Management at RMIT University. Usha is co-leading...
Edition 38 - Textiles newsletter November 2023
Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga is at the School of Property and Construction Management at RMIT University. Usha is co-leading...
Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga is at the School of Property and Construction Management at RMIT University. Usha is co-leading...
This assignment focused on expanding knowledge about the dispersion of microplastics from cast rubber and granulate-free...