Regenerative Tourism in Finland - online course, part 1
The first Regenerative Tourism educational course in Finnish available
Goal of the training
Online training for innovative tourism leads to innovative thinking, paced by transformative learning, and further to the application of what has been learned in practice. Coaching for innovative tourism does not provide ready-made answers, but offers the opportunity to learn together, share your own ideas and develop new types of tourism services. At the beginning, there are tools that encourage you to put the lessons into practice.
To whom
Everyone interested in learning, new thinking and travel is welcome to the training. The course is suitable for tourism professionals, those doing development work - and tourists. The contents of the course can also be applied across industry boundaries.
Content, schedule and practical arrangements
The training includes two online meetings:
Wed 10 May 2023 from 13:00 to 17:00 | Wed 17 May 2023 from 13:00 to 17:00
Coach and experts
Anu Nylund, Mood of Finland, is responsible for the production of the training content and the Finnish-language materials and facilitation.
International experts have been invited to provide added value to the content:
Wed 10 May 2023 around 2-3pm: Carlos Briceño and Martin Araneda / Turismo Regenerativo, Chile
Wed 17 May 2023 around 14:00 – 15:15 Javier Pedrosa / Iworu, Asturias, Spain and Amanda Liara, Brazil
The main language of the course is Finnish, the language of international guests is English.
€220 incl. VAT 24%
Quality assurance and certificate
The quality promise is based on the following arguments:
Anu Nylund is a professional and pedagogically qualified tourism teacher with a long career in tourism and education.
Anu has a master's degree in social sciences (University of Lapland 2014), with a major in tourism research, a long minor in Educational Sciences and a minor in environmental science.
Anu Nylund has participated in three international courses on innovative tourism in 2021-22.
You will receive a certificate of participation from Mood of Finland for the training.
Exception arrangements
If you can't attend the training days or you can only attend one of them, we can offer you the opportunity to watch the recordings of the initiations of the trainings, you will get access to the online course here and all the available materials at your disposal.
Contact us and I'll tell you how we handle this in practice.
The price is then €145 (incl. VAT 24%)
Contact information
Mood of Finland Oy
VAT number: 2952230-4