Multi-partner Joint Programme on Promoting sustainable food consumption and production patterns through integrated tools, advocacy and multi-stakeholder action
The objectives of the Programme is to support food systems change in four main areas in order to:
1. Address the (i) knowledge gaps faced by Governments and Stakeholders on the issues and dynamics to be considered when formulating policies and interventions conducive to building sustainable food systems; (ii) catalyse dialogue and collaborative mechanisms across different levels of governments, sectors and food system actors (particularly local and vulnerable communities and women, as well as suppliers and businesses) and (iii) improve coherence across policy areas and actions affecting food systems and between different levels of governance.
2. Foster linkages between the tourism and food sectors, supporting tourism value chains through sustainable procurement (local and organic sourcing), sustainable menus (including healthy and plant-rich dishes) and fFood lLoss and wWaste reduction and management. The creation of linkages between tourism businesses and agricultural producers in local economic development opportunities, including for women and youth will also be supported, paying attention to reducing carbon footprints and contributing to a responsible recovery from the COVID-19 crisis .
3. Improve policy makers’ capacity to adopt systems approaches for agrifood policies and strategies for greater coherence and dialogue across institutions, sectors and sub-sectors.
4. Promote behavioural change for the adoption of sustainable practices at different levels, targeting policy makers; investors; tourism businesses; food supply chain actors, tourists, consumers and other stakeholders. Direct Programme beneficiaries are institutions representing public, private and civil society stakeholders in the food and tourisms sectors (including research agriculture, environment, health, tourism, education, trade and finance) with activities designed to influence directly stakeholders involved in the production and consumption of food (e.g. farmers, traders, processors, distributors, retailers, food entrepreneurs, and consumers). Attention will be given to gender when identifying beneficiaries to be trained on the food systems approach, urban and peri-urban agriculture, and sustainable food management in the tourism sector, as well those to be targeted for the behaviour change events.
Overall Outcome:
Coherent policies and strengthened human capacities for sustainable, resilient and inclusive food systems development at national and municipal levels. Expected Impact: Enhanced food and nutrition security and opportunities for income generation and decent employment (including of youth and women) through resilient and inclusive food systems development and change, relying on sustainable use of natural resources and environmentally friendly approaches. Outputs and related Activities are:
Output 1: Tools and Approaches for food systems development - Development of global tools and approach for sustainable food management in the tourism sector - Development of multi-stakeholder tools and approaches for food systems development and change (Uganda)
Output 2: Enhancing policy coherence and multi-stakeholder and sectoral actions to promote sustainable food consumption and production patterns at national and sub-national levels (in Uganda, and Brazil at urban level) - Assessment studies for the development of collaborative actions plans and partnerships in Uganda and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) - Establishing partnerships and multi-stakeholder collaboration mechanisms in Uganda and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) - Technical support in Uganda to embed a systems approach into sectoral policies
Output 3: Strengthening of capacities of food systems actors in sustainable approaches - Capacity development on food systems approach to policies and interventions - Capacity development on urban and peri-urban linkages for sustainable food systems and nutrition - Capacity development for food and hospitality businesses on sustainable food management
Output 4: Awareness and behavioural change catalyzed for sustainable food systems - Global behavioural change campaign targeting governments, investors, small scale value chain actors and consumers – “Groundswell” - Behaviour Change at City Level - Sustainable Food City Partnership launch and public engagement event in Brazil Lessons from the activities highlighted above will be packaged and shared on this site as they become available.
Stakeholders that wish to be involved in the target countries can do so by contacting participating agencies at the emails below:
FAO: Siobhan Kelly,
UNEP: Marina Bortoletti,
UNDP: Tim Scott,
UNWTO: Virginia Fernández-Trapa,
External source(s)