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Sustainable Public Procurement Programme

Monitoring & Measurement

Build the case for sustainable procurement by monitoring its implementation and demonstrating its impacts and links to high-level commitments

The Interest Group pursues the work undertaken by the One Planet Programme in previous years and builds on the achievements of expert organizations in the area of SPP monitoring and metrics.

It brings together expert organizations working on SPP monitoring and metrics to address the gaps identified by the group and undertake collective work. 

The objective of the Interest Group is to identify, collect and exchange resources and tools pertaining to SPP monitoring and metrics and accelerate progress towards harmonized and generic models for SPP monitoring and metrics.

Latest and planned activities

  • Develop a streamlined methodology for countries reporting on SDG 12.7.1 and organize the collection of data;
  • Map existing SPP impact monitoring/measurement tools, communicate information and create a knowledge database to share best practices;
  • Raise awareness and communicate/disseminate the benefits of SPP (going beyond costs and connecting to other policy objectives like carbon emissions, job creation, etc.);
  • Develop cost-benefit cases for implementing SPP (including quantification of cost savings in case studies);
  • Identify comprehensive methods of Life Cycle Costing/Total Cost of Ownership so that procurers have a good case for integrating sustainability.
  • Harness digital technologies to (i) better understand risk factors and impacts across the entire supply chain (ii) better monitor institutional purchasing in order to accelerate the shift to sustainable procurement.

Progress to date and timelines

Deliverables Years Leads/Participants Funding/HR Progress
Development of the SDG 12.7.1 methodology 19-20 UN Environment Programme In kind contribution from UNEP (5,000 USD in 2019) Additional funding secured for 2020 Pilot testing in 18 countries/5 regions took place in 2019. Composite index was reclassified into Tier 2 by the Inter-Agency Expert Group in February 2020. First formal exercise of data collection to start in September 2020.
Third edition of the 10YFP SPP Global Review 21 UNEP Fundraising ongoing  
Development of a tool and guide for reporting SPP impacts on SDGs 19-20 Industrial Economics (IEc) / Microsoft Microsoft contracted Industrial Economics to first study the feasibility and usefulness of a Guide to map SPP impacts on SDGs IEc finalized the Review of literature which will be shared with partners in April 2020.
Updating of the 2016 study on the Measurement of SPP benefits. 21 Green Electronics Council and UNEP Fundraising ongoing  
Updating the 2016 study on monitoring of SPP 21 UNEP Fundraising ongoing