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Food Value Chain Consultations

Inputs, Traders & Primary Production

Food Value Chain Consultations Workshop 2: Agricultural Inputs, Food Traders and Primary Production


This workshop was the second of the 5 consultative workshops and comprised of representatives from private companies, civil society, governments, scientific and technical organisations, and the United Nations and other intergovernmental organisations. The key messages, the presentation from the workshop as well as the full list of participants is available in the workshop report.

Access the full report of Workshop #2 by


A number of best practices and initiatives were shared during the workshop regarding the role of agriculture and primary producers in working towards a more sustainable value chain. 

Initiative for Coffee & Climate


Climate change is the biggest threat faced by the coffee sector. In order to tackle this issue, the Initiative for Coffee and Climate was founded in 2010 as an open pre-competitive partnership of coffee companies and development organisations. Their aim is to provide coffee smallholders families around the world with tools and knowledge to adapt their production systems to the impact of climate change.  

The work is currently being carried out in seven countries; Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Indonesia. Before November 2020, Coffee and Climate had improved the resilience of 92,000 households.


Innovation and Sustainability in the Amazon Biome, Embrapa


Three years ago, Embrapa organized a series of research frameworks around 34 research portfolios in the Amazon. These were organized around the main food and fibre energy production chains in Brazil. The research portfolios were organised with a focus on promoting the welfare of populations living in the Amazon and protecting the environment.

They began a consultation process involving a wide range of external stakeholders, including farmers, agricultural producers, policymakers, private companies... The main objective was to address how to tackle the main challenges to sustainable development in the Amazon. 


Cooperation within the Food Chain for a Sustainable Future, Sweden Food Arena


Sweden Food Arena is gathering companies and federations along the whole value chain, from the primary production stage to industry, traders and restaurants. 2 years ago, Sweden Food Arena formulated a vision to have more sustainable food production for growth in Sweden before 2030. 

Some of the main areas they wanted to tackle to achieve this include competitive food innovation, food and drink for a healthier life, a resource-efficient food production and climate-neutral food production.