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Funding SDG 12

How does it work?

How does the One Planet Multi-partner Trust Fund for SDG 12 work

Multi-Partner Trust Fund on SDG12 is the means to accelerate the implementation of SDG 12 and deliver on Agenda 2030

It is a partnership between six UN agencies engaged in the One Planet network: UN Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN World Tourism Organization, UN-Habitat and the UN Office for Project Services, and UN Development Programme, administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

Building on the expertise of the One Planet network, the Agencies focus their actions based on science and country needs.

The Fund has two components:

National Component

Examples of outcomes:

  • Increased support to countries for the implementation of their policies for SDG 12.
  • Progress made towards sustainable food systems.
  • New techniques integrated for the sustainable use of resources and materials in the building and construction sector.
  • Resource efficiency integrated into tourism strategies.
  • Sustainability criteria incorporated into procurement practices.

Global Component

Examples of outcomes:

  • Increase in the number of countries reporting on SDG 12.
  • Increase in the use of tools for SCP.
  • Increase in changes in practice for SDG 12.
  • Increase in high-level commitments on SDG 12.
  • Progress and impacts of SCP quantified.
  • Science-based evidence for policy-makers strengthened.

Fund governance

Steering Committee

The decision-making body of the Fund and in charge of the overall strategic guidance. The committee makes decisions by consensus.

UN Agencies

  • UN Habitat: Rafael Tuts, Director, Programme Division
  • UNOPS: Emilie Polvin, Partnership Director
  • UNDP: Andrew Hudson, Global Head of Water and Ocean Governance Programme, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support
  • UNWTO: Dirk Glaesser, Director Sustainable Development of Torism
  • FAO: Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director-General
  • UNEP (Chair): Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director, Economy Division

10YFP Board

  • Argentina: Mr. Rodrigo Rodríguez Tornquist, Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development


  • Germany: Stephan Contius, Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Head of the Division for United Nations, 2030 Agenda, Cooperation with Developing and Emerging Economies, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
  • Denmark: Mona Mejsen Westergaard, Senior Adviser on International Environmental Issues, UNEP coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Food


  • MPTF UN Office
  • Thematic Programmes Representatives

The Fund Secretariat is hosted by UNEP and assures proper coordination and functioning of the One Planet MPTF for SDG 12.

Launch of the fund



UN Agencies sign the Memorandum of Understanding to establish One Planet Multi-Partner Trust Fund for SDG 12 at 2018’s High Level Political Forum in New York.

Terms of references of the fund


Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Agencies