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Green Nudging Playbook

  • Published on February 23, 2023

This playbook is a practical guide for policymakers who wish to embed behavioural science insights into policymaking to help citizens live more sustainably.

It is a template with general guiding principles to support policymakers when partnering with businesses to scope and implement behaviour change initiatives that discourage the consumption of single-use coffee1 cups, in favour of reusable alternatives. Our ambition is that policymakers across the globe apply these guiding principles to other SUP materials and behaviours which are appropriate to their country’s situation.

Introductory webinar

This playbook is the culmination of three years of work with the Sustainable Lifestyles and Education (SLE) Programme of the One Planet network which aims to foster the uptake of sustainable lifestyles as the common norm. Through a global network of experts, practitioners and learners, the SLE Programme develops tools and resources that allow policymakers, businesses and civil society to build sustainable systems of living. Through the application of these resources and the uptake of sustainable lifestyles, the SLE Programme aims to address global challenges such as biodiversity conservation, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation, poverty reduction and social well-being.

WRAP created the Green Nudging Playbook which builds on previous reports commissioned by the Swedish EPA as part of the work with the SLE programme and includes real-world learnings provided by pilots which were run with Businesses in Gothenburg in 2022. The previous reports provide insight into understanding which green nudges might prove to be the most effective and acceptable to citizens, considering any impacts on business income or threats to commercial viability. 


The Playbook is aimed at Policymakers who wish to embed behavioural science into policymaking to help citizens live more sustainably. Grounded in research and practical experience, this playbook will support the Swedish EPA’s roadmap for sustainable plastics use.


The playbook is a template with general guiding principles to support policymakers when partnering with businesses to scope and implement behaviour change initiatives to reduce coffee cup consumption in favour of reusable alternatives. The Playbook will be translated into 6 UN languages and our ambition is that policymakers across the globe apply these guiding principles to other SUP materials and behaviours which are appropriate to their country’s situation.

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