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Agrifood systems transformation in Mediterranean cities - Opportunities for collaborative action and shared learning

  • Published on July 17, 2024

This technical brief aims to provide an overview of urban agrifood systems in the Mediterranean region and propose possible ways forward to collaboratively transform them.

The brief is based on a study carried out by FAO in partnership with Let’s Food, which mapped and categorized over 300 urban food actions in the Mediterranean region, analysing the actors involved, and the topics and trends of agrifood initiatives. The study also conducted agrifood systems assessments in nine cities of interest, revealing common challenges and opportunities for urban agrifood systems in the region, and proposes five transformative food action areas to accelerate the transition towards sustainable urban agrifood systems, based on existing good practices in the region. The brief suggests to build mechanisms for shared learning that would leverage existing experiences and relationships with established organizations, networks and programmes, and facilitate dialogue and collaboration among Mediterranean countries and stakeholders to ultimately apply systems approaches in the development of integrated local agrifood policies and transformative food actions.

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